Tuesday, January 29, 2013

When She's Lost For Words

Good Morning Frriends & Peeps,

When faced with admission and truth, Miss Kitty has "Selective Memory"...

"Kitty, how did that bowl get broken...did you push it off the cabinet?"

"I'm just going to say one thing..."

"Well, I'm waiting...what is it Kitty?"

"I forget..."




  1. Sometimes it´s really good to have a bad memory *mol*

  2. Miss Kitty is not lost for words, she just doesn't want to get that naughty Not Me into trouble. We have trouble with him sneaking into our house causing mayhem too.
    We tried to visit yesterday but got the message that the blog had been removed. We are glad to see you back today.

  3. I am so sorry about that! Google disabled our blog because they said they detect illegal entry. What a time I had getting it back...
    While this is a good thing...it was so annoying trying to get it settled! So, things are back now...hopefully!

  4. Sometimes things just happening... of course it´s not you.Nosbuff

  5. Glad you got your blog back. I lost mine a couple of years ago for several weeks and it was hard to get back!

    cats of wildcat woods

  6. LOL
    I can say that I have sometimes the same problem here!
    MEOWWWWWWWWW and purrs!
    Luna - WE LOVE LUNA and hugs from mom Léia

  7. tu es intelligente Miss Kitty
    Opale et Sonye

  8. These things happen at our house, too. Seems nobody every does it. We just call them accidents. MOL!


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