Saturday, December 28, 2013

Miss Kitty's Musings

Dear Bloggers, Miss Kitty here...
  I have missed you lot! I have been through so much with all the screaming tiny peeps and especially that big pony in the house... Rico! That thing chase me all times.

Him run Izzy but she too fast. Ino just sit so her can whap him good on the nose! Miss Kitty so tired...mum say they all will be gone tomorrow so I have my easy...I glad. 
  Izzy say her glad too...that pony run only her cause her always down and refuse to hide but,  Izzy tired too. 

 We try to warm up be friend...I even let her post on blog but her no like. Mum tol' me to give it time and we be sister friends soon. You think we will? I no think Ino will, her not friend at all she whaps Izzy too...bad girl!  

Miss Kitty see you soon...


  1. Hope you can sleep for a couple of day's when they have left :)

  2. Oh Miss Kitty, sounds like you had a hard time. Hope that your home is nice and peaceful soon. :)

  3. I do hope the two of you can be friends. Happy holidays.

  4. Hope efurryone gets a rest when all the other beans and furriends have left. We is sure you will all be furriends someday. Who couldn't lub you Miss Kitty?

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  5. We know it's hard, but perhaps soon you will be furriends.

  6. Now that Christmas is over,maybe things
    will calm down in your house:)
    We purr that happens.
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure,Tiger and JJ
    and Angel Tillie

  7. We think once the excitement from the visitors and the *pony* dies down, you girls can get a nice rest. Once you you are well rested, you can get to know each other in a calmer environment and who knows, we might be seeing the 3 of you in a snuggle pile!

  8. We have only had one guest that we really liked and they didn't bring a pony with them. So hopefully they are gone by now,l and you are getting some rest. Take care.

  9. Guests are always scary and noisy too Miss Kitty. Give your sisters a chance, they are new and will settle in after a while.

  10. bientôt tranquille Miss Kitty,
    gros ronrons d'Opale et SOnye

  11. Oh Miss Kitty, you have had a very rough Christmas. I bet you can't wait for your company to leave you alone in peace and quiet. I'll tip toe out of the room so you can get on with your nap while the "getting" is good.

  12. We're glad we only had daytime visitors, but the human sis has a .... a puppy! He is very irritating, too!

  13. OMC! You poor thing. All those peeps and PONIES should get out of your house! Did I read correctly that that new kitty isn't going to go away?? Hmm. Well, I hope she knows who's in charge over there!

  14. One more day, Miss Kitty, hang in there!

  15. Having new cats in the house and children and a pony is a lot. We don't blame you for being overwhelmed. Once things quiet down, we're sure that you can start to work things out with the new cats.


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