Friday, March 8, 2013

Kitty's First Box Experience

Kitty never showed any interest in boxes. She would investigate it, but never attempt to do any more...until I caught her with this one...

"I see other cat git in...this ol' thing Mum took stuf' out... old
paper, dust...what's the big deal...ok, my toeses are in, they alright. I think it might not be scary...should I...I might, yeah, I going in!

 Nice fit. No boo-munsters in here... me hate those! I think it ok....yes, mmm, me like it! I have to watch for Mum...she will git the me her baby, and lap all over me if she sees me in the boxy thingy. I wont let her know she was right 'bout it. Sheez...I never hear the end of it!

I ben missin' all this fun...this nice fit (Purring)...this close feel! What was I thinking...I must have stringy's in me brain! Okay frriends...I am in the box world now...It is sooo feelin' good, I think, (yawning)...I take a nap now ...see you later"....


  1. We love boxes! Your box have a perfekt size. Nosbuff

  2. Excellent!!! Now you can go in any box knowing there's nothing scary in there, Miss Kitty!
    Have a great weekend.

  3. That looks like the purrfect box for you! (Me and Stanley never have been in a box because we like to tear them apart.) Hope you had a nice snooze!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley
    Online Doods

  4. Hi Miss Kitty! Mom's favorite cat (OTRB) loved boxes but she would lay on it and make it flat so the other cats couldn't get in! Now that's vindictive! Love Dolly

  5. Hooray for boxes! I love, love, love that happy smile! Have a fun weekend!!!

  6. You're like Cinderella! The box fits! You will be queen :)))

  7. Our favorite toy is a box. Every box that comes into the house is mine.

  8. Boxes are graet!!! We love them!
    Nice and cozy to sleep in :)




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