Friday, February 7, 2014

Wisdom From Ino

Good Morning,

Ino with you today. Are you having a good day? I sure hope you are...I have decided there is no sense in talking about the weather because there is not one thing we can do to change it, right?

Of course, that is my reasoning however, I'm sure you have your's too!
  Today, I want to offer my feline cousins some good and usable advice, although I do have concerns... that you will hesitate to follow through. Nevertheless, go ahead and read carefully:

"If you furriends are not receiving enough attention from your humans...try knocking over SEVERAL antique lamps"... Ino   guarantee this will get you loads of attention!

Mum: "INO...How could you? Naughty girl.."


  1. That's a good way to get attention. I'll have to try that one. I personally go to where M is sitting and tug on her arm sleeve. That always gets her attention, and then she follows me to where I want to tell her something.

  2. I do it (ok not with lamps but other things) all the time and it does work! Skipper :)

  3. Hey, knocking over new lamps even works here!

  4. Heehee. That's a sure way of getting the Mom's full attention!

  5. Ino that is good advise, any attention, good or bad is appreciated, right?
    Love the new header.

  6. INO...thatz sum grate add vise....due ewe suggest 70 ore may bee onlee 65 ta start with !! hope everee one haza salmon N shrimpz kinda week oh end !!

  7. Ino, guess what? I did that last year made a smashy sound and then Mummy Janey was all worried in case I got glass in my feet. We don't have anymore breaky lamps.
    Abigail from The REAL Maple Syrup Mob xxxxxx

  8. You are ever so wise =)
    Our human has no antiques but there is tea set she is rather fond of...hehehe
    the kitty brats

  9. Hey Ino, that is excellent advise. It works every time.
    Hope your weather isn't too awful like ours.

    Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew

  10. We hope you didn't nock the lamps over. Naughty girl *giggle* ;-)
    Have a wonderful weekend.


    Huggs & Purrs
    Julia and Girls

  11. Sounds like purrfectly good advice to me. I am kind of a "floor cat"--not much for climibing which has made me really deficient in the breaking stuff department.


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