Saturday, July 13, 2013


Kitty walked around her brush 3 times before stopping and staring at it. Just when I clicked, she pulled her paw back quickly. I can't understand her reactions, because she loves being brushed.
 Do you think it could be how the brushed is positioned bristles down instead of up? CATS...who can know them....

We sure hope you have a wonderful rest of the weekend! We will see you on Monday...we are visiting, Worship Sunday! Happy Weekend to all...

Kitty & Loretta


  1. That's the whole point being a Cat = That humans don't shall understand us *mol*
    Happy weekend to you too !

  2. Heh-heh, we kittehz just gotta keep the humans guessin! Happy Caturday!

  3. It's a well-known fact that brushes can harbor monsters...tiny ones, that is!

  4. Yes, she things someone stole the good parts of the brush!!!

  5. The brush was inappropriately placed! ;)

  6. :) maybe Miss Kitty just wants to mess with your mind! though we tend to act suspicious when something is out of place.

    Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, Hollie

  7. Ha ha ha! I often jump away in fear at random things. The Human thinks I am a little mentally ill ("He's a little M.I.," as the Human's favorite auntie used to say about various people.)

  8. Kitties are always mysterious! Plus, we see little monsters that nobuddy else can see so we must whap them!


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