Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Cats Are....

                                                               A Pygmy cat-lion
"A pygmy lion who loves mice...hates dogs...and, Lord... patronizes human beings!"... 

"RAWRRRR"... "Watch out!"

Daun & Mom

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Kitty's Sharp Tongue Strikes Again

I was in the kitchen trying to plate Miss Kitty's food and she was circling 8's, driving me beans with her constant meows...
 Just before I turned to place her dish she loudly declared, 

"Just what part of meow don't you understand! You are slower than anybody's christmas...give me my food now... I'M STARVING!" 

I've never laughed so much and so hard in my life! How in the world does mom put up with her sass is beyond me!!...

Kitty: "Daun what picture-taking school did you flunk?"
Daun: "LOL........LOL.......LOL......LOL LOL LOL!!!!"

Friday, July 26, 2013

Miss Kitty & Mom...Their Bond

 Miss Kitty is spending a lot of time sleeping...
  Good Morning, I knew Mom and Kitty were close because each time I came to visit she was always on Mom's heals wherever she went in the house but, I had no idea they had this kind of close relationship!
Miss Kitty evidently knows something isn't right with mom... she places her paw ever so gently on her eyes and meows.
  Mom is so patient and speaks so gently with her...I think this is reassuring Kitty that she's okay. Eventually Kitty will push one of mom's dolls away and snuggle tightly against her. When I check in on them Kitty is in her arms or on her pillow! I'm so happy I put them together!!

 Mom was never a cat person until I brought Kitty to Dad after his surgery...I think they knew instinctively they needed each other, they just had to find the other to share their love...You think so?

Monday, July 22, 2013


Update On Mom's eye problems:
Welcome Welcome to "She Spoke To Me"...

Hello, I am Loretta's daughter Daun Yozette. Mom is resting now after a day at Doc's office. Diabetes was found and there is nerve damage in the right eye...she's had this problem before and it is called, I think I'm right...5th nerve palsy, she sees double from her right eye! 

  She was given drops for this and dry eyes. She will also have to apply warm compresses and rest. That means off the computer...She spends hour on this computer every day
Loves blogging about Miss Kitty!

If time permits  I'll stop by and post something this week when I get some time off from work. She sends her love and says she's sorry she can't be with you now!

Thanks for visiting us,
Miss Kitty & Daun

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Cat Panics

Update: I had to go to hospital for my eyes...sight loss temp, but not completely. I have to stay off computer for a while will update again on Monday after my appointment. I'm diabetic the cause is from this! Loretta

                                                        Cat Panics from peeps clothing colors

"Never...wear anything that will panic the cat...!"

And you thought it was safe to wear this color pattern... WRONG!!

Friday, July 19, 2013

Kitty Sharing

                                  Miss Kitty window watching: click on picture to enlarge 

  Miss Kitty was in a frenzy jumping from her perch and into her room then back to her perch again. I knew something was up, so I went behind her to see.
  The neighbor's cat was in her drive watching Kitty. I was amazed that Kitty went and picked up one of her toys either to show her friend or wanting to share it with her although, she never let go of it! 
  I thought this was so cute and touching to watch especially with Kitty, do you think its because she's an only child? 

Note: The cat ran away when she saw the flash from the camera...I tried to get a shot of her too...

Have a Delightful Friday...

Thursday, July 18, 2013

No Further Prove Needed

WELL, this is finally the proof! I tried to tell everyone she was blind as a, do you believe me? 
They say stupid is as stupid does... "SHE TOOK ME HEAD OFF!!! HELLLLP....Meow!!!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Wordless Wednesday

                                                      Click On Picture

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Tummy Tuesday

  It is not often that I can get a pic of Kitty showing that white fluff underneath. She started to play with her mouse rolling and playing in bed. 
  This was the best shot, all the others were in motion and fuzzy. Don't you agree that is a fluff-fluffy tummy?

Monday, July 15, 2013

Expressive Heart

Regardless to any way you show it...
                        "It is always Love from the Heart!                                                                        

  They are so cute together...I had to share the love today! We sure hope you have a very Happy Wonderful Monday...

Miss Kitty is livid because out of all the zillion other animals  I could have picked, I chose her worst enemies! Don't worry furriends...I will make it up to her, soon! 

Loving Regards,
Kitty & Loretta

Saturday, July 13, 2013


Kitty walked around her brush 3 times before stopping and staring at it. Just when I clicked, she pulled her paw back quickly. I can't understand her reactions, because she loves being brushed.
 Do you think it could be how the brushed is positioned bristles down instead of up? CATS...who can know them....

We sure hope you have a wonderful rest of the weekend! We will see you on Monday...we are visiting, Worship Sunday! Happy Weekend to all...

Kitty & Loretta

Friday, July 12, 2013


"Hey Kitty, Mum is outside talking to cats again!" Mandy said teasingly. She knows well how to get Kitty's dander up.

Kitty: "Shut up don't know that doggie breath!"
Mandy: "Oh yeah...come listen pus!"

Kitty was in the bathroom having a drink from the faucet. She streaked out and headed for the screen door saying...
 " lie Mandy...mum wouldn't do that to me..."

"Or, would she...yes, she's feeding that cat and talking to it how could she do that! Ohhhh...I'm too darn trusting...that traitor!"

Oh no...what will Kitty do now, will there be pay back...knowing Kitty, she is already plotting...let's just hope her jealousy doesn't get her in deep trouble! She will choose her moment and hit when no one expects it...that's 
Miss Kitty...

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Thankful Thursday

Meow...Miss Kitty here... Click on the picture to see big.

 Mum and I were so thankful all day today because we had to spend the entire day out here when we had no power. We are so thankful it was raining and it was very pleasant and cool. 
  When Mum finally opened the door I run fast for my bed, that porch is too big and tall, I hide under bed 'til daddy comes home now! 

Miss Kitty

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Happy Tuesday

Good Morning, Welcome...come on in, we're having coffee and danish...we sure wish you could join us...maybe next time!!

                                                                                      Click On The Picture
"Have you ever tried to watch kittens with a straight face... can't possibly keep a straight face in the presences of these little cuties." Seemingly, my heart rejoices!

Note: Please bear with me as I try to get around to commenting. I am still so far behind and having to meet my deadlines with the paper. Summer's are always busy!
Luv, loretta

Monday, July 8, 2013

A Happy Monday

Meow...I so glad to be here...and for you to see me again! How have you been? Well , as you can see we are back home
and we have service back. (It has been back but we stay with granny long time so mum could get help/rest; dad is better too!)
 Thank you everyone for visiting and your loving concern!

Granny always want Miss Kitty to do the unthinkable...I no like it sometimes. I tried to tell her:
   "Cats will be your friend...but never your slave!" Agree feline buddies?

Monday, July 1, 2013

Internet Service Problems

I am so sorry we have been MIA for a while. I finally got away to the library to post this. Our ISP services are down and we don't know when they will be restored. 

We live in the rural and it takes longer for repairs. I have no idea what has happened. We are with Granny she's helping. 

 We are as doing okay, but dad is having problems after he had a hard fall Friday. He was badly shaken and the impact from the fall has left him in pain. Does it ever end? 
I am getting plenty of help from friends family and neighbors, thank goodness! If not, I don't think I could have held up as well as I have. Thank you so much for your kindness and concern. 

Hopefully we will get service restored soon. I will try to keep in touch. God Bless you all!
Loretta & Kitty

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