Friday, May 24, 2013

Miss Kitty's Words To The Unwise

Listen and Learn..."Those who insist on playing with Cats...must expect to me scratched!"...

Have you learned...especially...the hard way? Meow!

Miss Kitty


  1. I am a good boy, I don't scratch when I play.

  2. Our Person is very careful of us but sometimes we get a little careless but not often. We play without using our claws. Hope all of you have a super week end.

  3. Sometimes our paws are so quick to grab things and we may by accident give you a scratch - but if you made us mad it would be unaccidental!! We are sure that you would never make us mad.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  4. We would scratch if you were playing rough! Sometimes we give itsy bitsy gentle bites and say their kisses if we think we are going to get in trouble. :o)

    Peanut and Marshmallow

  5. Oh, yes, lovely Miss Kitty, our Mommy has been learning that lesson for 30 years now!!hehe...No, really, we are good babies and only scratch sometimes by accident or when we get scared...Happy Holiday weekend, sweet friend...kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki, Mommy Cat, Daddy Cat

  6. I am good at teaching that lesson sometimes too pretty girl!

  7. Well Miss Kitty, I don't scratch on purpose, but sometimes I get a bit excited!! xx

  8. Well.. I may have learned some lol. But you cats are sneaky sometimes, especially when you come to the vet's office!

  9. We've taught our peeps a thing or two over the years! MOL!

  10. That is so true, Miss Kitty...though we don't usually scratch on just happens sometimes!

  11. One of us kitties has never scratched anyone but two of us is another story, we get our point across for sure. Thanks for following our new blog, we are following yours too. Hugs and nose kisses


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