Thursday, February 14, 2013

Miss Kitty Window Watching

Another of Kitty's past times is to watch for her dad to come home from work each evening...

Kitty: "Mum...Mummy, daddy's home!"

Me: "No he's not honey, its too early!"

Kitty: "He is here Mum...see!"

Daddy: "Hi honey"...

With her catly perception she knew he was coming home even before he drove down the driveway!


  1. Miss Kitty has god ears and nose :)



  2. Dear Miss Kitty,
    You have a purrrfect spot there, I also like to watch the birds by my window here!
    Happy Valentine's Day!
    Luna - We love LUNA

  3. That just shows how purrceptive we cats are Miss Kitty.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  4. Nice picture, you´re so cute. We use to run to the top of the stairs and wait..Nosbufff

  5. Great picture of your beautiful self. Hugs and nose kisses

  6. Animals have such a good sense of things. As a child my mother used to work different shifts, but our dogs used to stand at the window 5 minutes before she arrived home no matter what shift she was on.

  7. Oh,meow, Miss Kitty. You are adorable, and a very good window watcher!!! Nice to meet you!

  8. les chats nous étonnent toujours.
    Bravo Miss Kitty, et tu es très mignonne devant la fenêtre.

  9. of course you were right, Miss Kitty :) we watch for our mom too but if she's early, she'll catch us sleeping on the job :D

    Happy Valentines' Day!

    Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, Hollie

  10. Miss Kitty is a very smart kitty! AND pretty too, MOL

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

    Pee Ess thanks for inviting us to join your blog!

  11. They do know! Happy Heart Day!

    cats of wildcat woods

  12. We are special us kitties aren't we! That is a wonderful picture of you Miss Kitty and it is so nice to meet you and your Mum! Thanks for finding us and introducing yourself, we appreciate it. Happy Valentine's!

  13. Thanks for visiting us today! It is furry nice to meet you!

    We hope you had a wonderful Valentine's Day! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

    The Human says: I used to have a kitty with ESP like that but Spitty's kind of a dud.

    Hey, that's not very nice!!!


Welcome to: She..."Spoke To Me" I's like yu' word...meow!

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