Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Wednesday Wishes

Thanks To All!!!

Hello Friends,
  We sure hope you all have been well! The girls are very upset with me because of my lack of posting...

I am so tired up with insurance agent adjuster etc., until it is almost impossible to get "anything" else done. I'm now trying to find help with bringing down the shell/house and cleanup...
 Still working with Fire Marshall and trying to secure a complete release, code inspectors, etc. 
 I've gone back and forth sending information and faxing papers, etc., and I'm still sending even today. Where when does it end!!

Just wanted to let you know we are here and this is what's going on...we hope to visit more soon/when possible!!!

Until then...Have a Great Week!
Izzy Ino Miss Kitty & Loretta


  1. That sounds just exhausting. Good luck getting it all sorted out.

  2. familee furst...bloggin...later...see ya when ya can get bak thiz way !! ♥

  3. I'm sure it's no easy thing. We understand your priorities are different for the time being. Our hearts are with you!

  4. Wishing you an easy path as you work to get closure with everything. Purrs to you....

  5. That sounds like a full time job by itself! Take care of yourself, and we hope it resolves soon so you can get a break.

  6. bon courage,
    ronrons d'Opale et Sonye

  7. We all know that you are busy...that's why we're sending keep you going.
    The REAL Maple Syrup Mob xxxxx

  8. You do what you need to do...we will be here for you.

  9. Sounds frustrating. I hope things get settled for you soon.


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