Thursday, January 23, 2014

Weather Woes

Good Evening...

  I tell you I am so tired of the lack of services and it doesn't look as if it will improve soon!
Each evening is the same...we see men working all day everyday with the same results. Now, the rain is back again with inclement weather in the forecast. 

I've had to stop three times writing this post.
I wanted to let you all know this is still the problem...and suppose we'll have to endure it until they've found whatever. 
So, we will be back as soon as we can to post & visit.

  The girls all send their Purrs, Woofs and Paw-Hugs... Keep Warm and Cozy...we're down to 18 degrees tonight in some areas colder....brrrrrrrrr!

Warmest Regards,
Loretta & The Girls


  1. prenez soin de vous, ronrons d'Opale et SOnye

  2. I think our low is supposed to be pretty low tonight, too. Stay warm, all!

  3. Stat warm and cozy. We are down to -33C tonight but Mummy Janey and Daddy Chris keep the fire lit and we snuggle with them if we fee chilly.
    The REAL Maple Syrup Mob xxxxx

  4. Sorry to hear about your internet service. They worked on our a few weeks ago and it was very frustrating to see them digging and working and nothing happening. I hope they get it fixed soon.
    Stay warm.

  5. Oh how very frustrating. Nothing worse than internet problems. Hopefully they will get the problem fixed soon.

  6. Hope your internet services are up and running soon. It's so hard not to be connected!

    We've warmed up to just over the freezing mark today which is really weird weather for January in Saskatchewan. As long it doesn't rain and then freeze I'm good with it! Have a great weekend.

  7. Hope they soon get your internet problems sorted out.

  8. Boo on the internet problems, we've been having them too. It must be a Carolina thing. Y'all keep plenty warm.

  9. I hope you get your internet problems fixed asap, it can be so annoying!

  10. thats no fun especially with the gremlins causing havoc on the internet,xx Speedy

  11. Best of luck! We will miss you till your retern!


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