Sunday, June 9, 2013

Wishing You A Happy Sunday

Good Afternoon,
  Welcome welcome to you all! We are glad you stopped in to visit and we have enjoyed all your beautiful comments... thank you very much for all your kind words they were all appreciated! It is so very nice to have friends who care.
  Kitty had worried me so about posting...hopefully she will settle down now. I hope all of you are doing well...I'll have to stop in to visit and check on our furriends. We sure hope they are all well. 
 I will be back on Monday to allow Kitty to post, then visit.
Thanks again for your being our friends and caring. Have a Lovely Sunday Evening!

Tender Regards,


  1. Nice- you and Kitty soon be back... hope you feeling yet better

  2. I'm so sorry that you haven't been feeling your best. I've not been posting for awhile as I had my Grandson staying with me.

    Take care and I hope you are feeling better soon.


  3. Our kitties do get worrisome when they can't blog don't they. Hope all is well at your place and you had a nice relaxing Sunday.

  4. Hope you guys had a nice Sunday and are doing well :)


Welcome to: She..."Spoke To Me" I's like yu' word...meow!

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