Good Monday Morning My Furriends, Miss Kitty here... Mom took the keyboard away last post...she say "I sorry,"
so i let her hav' again now. Mummy post:
Hello, I am certainly not going to over step my bounds ever again with this mad-scratching-wildcat I named Miss Kitty... and I thought she was the nices...well, let's just say she is calm, back to her sweet adorable self.
Do you think it could be from the short time she spent on the street with those homeless cats? Ugh!
Miss Kitty
I talk about my baby, but I wouldn't change a thing about her, as if I could! Hah. I love everything about her,especially the way she curls in my lap and purrs. Yes...
No other feline expression touches humans on quite the same level as that of the purr. A purr is felt but not heard or, rumbles with the gusto of a mack truck! Most assume the purr serves as an expression of kitty contentment.
But kitty purr, according to latest research, confirms evidence that having a pet improves their health. The saying is: "cats may purr to your hearts content, lower blood pressure, cholesterol and promote opportinities for socialization."
Miss Kitty's purrs gives me a feeling of peace, confort and contentment. I've read articles that revealed the little scamps can exploit their humans' need for nurture, even manipulate!
Well, if this is the case...then so be it! Miss Kitty can do all of this and then long as she's happy! But, it can go only so far! Hee-hee-hee!
We have more on "Why Do Cats Purr"... on our Well- Being page click here to read our latest post.
I'm so happy Miss Kitty didn't stay angry with me and I was able to post today.
I want to thanks all of you for following our blog and visiting again. Come on back and share with us, we love your company...especially your fur-babies!
Best Wishes for a Happy 2013!
Missy Kitty & Mom